The Towel Curl: Gym Shorts (How To)

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2 years 155 Views
New to the towel curl or looking for a quick technique tutorial? Learn correct form in one short video.

The towel curl is an accessory lift that trains the biceps and forearm muscles using a kettlebell or similar item with a closed loop handle and a towel or similar easy-to-grip item like a towel.

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The towel curl is a variation on the barbell curl and dumbbell curl--exercises most people know and many have performed. Virtually everyone has a towel at home and many have a kettlebell or a similar household item--such as a milk jug--that has a closed handle.

We tend to program this exercise for two different groups. One is advanced athlete who needs stress for the biceps femoris and muscles of the forearm that contribute to grip and is looking for a change to the typical barbell and dumbbell curls.

The other group who this lift may often be prescribed is a beginner with limited equipment or someone who finds themselves with limited equipment all of a sudden.

Perform this lift for higher reps and sets, so 3-5 x 6-20. Often times, kettlebell weight options are limited, so you may perform these for an AMRAP to achieve the appropriate intensity or as part of an upper body circuit or full body circuit to both save time and get the heart rate up and achieve a bit of conditioning.

If you have a towel and a kettlebell and want to train your biceps and the muscles of your forearms, consider adding the towel curl to your routine.

Gym Shorts videos provide short video demonstrations of correct form for various exercises.

Follow these steps:
-Feed towel through kettlebell handle
-Grasp ends of towel with each hand using a hammer grip (thumbs up)
-Deadlift kettlebell into starting position
-Stand tall with abs tight
-Finish with high elbows and palms facing you (thumbs out)
-Limit torso movement: keep it strict
-Steady, controlled movement: don't want kettlebell to swing and hit you



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