Make Dry Fire Fun! With PopUp Targets and BlazePod & SwitchedOn Light Based Drills

2 years 236 Views
The more variety and fun we can add to our dry fire, the quicker we'll learn and the more often you'll train.

The more we can add visual decision making to our training, the more it will transfer over to the real world. is exactly the solution you've been looking for to make dry fire fun AND effective.

They come with 50+ drills for law enforcement/self-defense, competition, long range, visual decision making, and drills to help you learn to trust your front sight...some use lights like the SwitchedOn App or BlazePods, but most can be done with nothing but a safely unloaded pistol with all ammo removed from the training area or a laser pistol like the SIRT that I use in the video.

@DryFireTrainingCards @BlazePod @GetSwitchedOn
#DryFireTrainingCards #BlazePod #GetSwitchedOn #DryFire #ConcealedCarry #DryFireDrills

P.S. Yes, that IS steam coming out of my mouth. It's 20 degrees in my garage/studio :) And also, yes...there's something not quite right with the video that I can't figure out. It's HD 1080p, and yet still fuzzy.